
The sort proc is used to sort your points by a specific field (other than time). When you use sort the resulting points have no time field associated.

...  | sort(*fieldnames,
            limit=100000) | ...
Argument Description Required?
*fieldnames list or tuple of field names to sort the stream by No, default: time
order asc to order ascending and desc to order points by descending order No, default: asc
limit buffering limit set to avoid running out of memory No, default: 100000

sort stream descending by count

from flume import *

    | put(count=count())
    | sort('count', order='desc')
    | write('stdio')

The above would produce the output:

{"count": 5}
{"count": 4}
{"count": 3}
{"count": 2}
{"count": 1}