START 12:01 October 14th, 2012

In the sequence of my previous post I’d like to give a more real world example of how a modern software engineer should be able to write and test code using the vast amount of tools/frameworks available to get the job done in timely fashion while producing high quality code.

To start of course we’ll need some sort of a project to build while writing about how to solve the issues we come across. So for this writing I will attempt to create a key/value store in Python that can be used to mock out a real key/value store such as Redis, LevelDB or Amazon’s Dynamo. The current requirements will be:

  • Support 3 simple API calls:
    • GET key
    • SET key value
    • DEL key
  • The protocol used to communicate should be human readable and really efficient, just like Redis’s communication protocol is.

As part of this writing I will track in real time how many hours I’m spending on this project while writing the post so that at the end you can get an idea of how little overhead writing tests and documentation while developing really has.

STOP: 12:11 on October 14th, 2012

START 14:57 on October 14th, 2012

So the first thing we’ll have to do is to define the exact protocol we’re going to use in a way that can be easily consumed by others who will attempt to talk the same protocol or create clients to talk this custom protocol. We mentioned earlier we’d be using a protocol similar to what Redis uses. You can read up on Redis’s communication protocol here and we’ll be greatly simplifying this protocol for this writing like so:

\*[number of arguments] CR LF
[command name] CR LF
[argument 1] CR LF
[argument 2] CR LF

Which means that the first thing sent is the indication of how many arguments will follow separted by a carriage return and line feed character (\r\n). Then each of the arguments a single line termianted by \r\n.

So sending a SET request for the key A to set it to the value 100 would look like so on the wire:


Replies will also be very similar to the way Redis deals with this type of thing and we’ll basically start a response with a + on success followed by a single line response, or we’ll start with - if there was an error followed by a single line with the error message.

We now have to decide what we’ll use to build the protocol server on and currently one of the most flexible and best performant ones in the Python world is Twisted which can be used to easily create your own custom protocol or better yet used to easily build your own HTTP, FTP, etc server in minutes. I had to brush up on my knowledge of Twisted and how to create my own custom protocol and after reading through the documentation for some 15 minutes I found that what I wanted to use was the LineReceiver implementation to build my protocol on a per line reading of any connection. The first example that you may be able to put together using the LineReceiver class may look like this:

from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
from twisted.internet import reactor

class Answer(LineReceiver):

    answers = {'How are you?': 'Fine', None : "I don't know what you mean"}

    def lineReceived(self, line):
        if self.answers.has_key(line):

class AnswerFactory(Factory):

    def __init__(self):

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        return Answer()

reactor.listenTCP(9999, AnswerFactory())

This of course is just an example of how you can use twisted to make a line reading protocol handler. Now lets actually use this to read our new custom protocol which is a multi-line protocol that needs to reconstruct each command from the multiple lines that it is broken up into on the wire.

Now even before we start writing the actual server handler code lets first write up a few very simple unit test that we can use to verify that we have a working set and get commands:

import socket
import unittest

class ProtocolTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self._connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self._connection.connect(('localhost', 9999))

    def tearDown(self):

    def _send_cmd(self, cmd, *args):
        cmd_string = '*%d\r\n' % (len(args) + 1)
        cmd_string += '%s\r\n' % cmd

        for arg in args:
            arg = str(arg)
            cmd_string += '%s\r\n' % arg


        return self._read_response()

    def _read_response(self):
        status = self._connection.recv(1)

        response = ''
        read = self._connection.recv(1)
        while read != '\n':
            response += read
            read = self._connection.recv(1)

        if status == '+':
            # successful response with a single line response
           return response
            # unsucceful response with error message
            raise Exception(response)

    def test_basic_set_and_get(self):
        self._send_cmd('SET', 'A', 100)
        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', 'A')
        assert resp == '100', 'expected 100 got %s' % resp
if __name__ == '__main__':

There is quite a lot of test code displayed there but that’s because we had to create those helper methods for sending commands and receiving responses. The actually test itself is just 3 lines to send a SET command verify with a GET command that the current server recorded our 100 value correctly.

We’re now back to the server code because we now need to restructure our CommandReader so that it can actually read each command line by line and translate that into the right underlying set/get command. In a first approach at writing our CommandReader what we need to do is to make this LineReceiver act as state machine that transitions between commands in a very well defined manner. Every line that starts with an asterisk is expected to be a new command that is consumed till all arguments are read and the command is dispatched and the response is sent back to the client awaiting a response.

A first approach may look like so:

class CommandReader(LineReceiver):
    state machine comand reader 

    def __init__(self):
        self.start_command = False
        self.reading_argument_size = False
        self.expected_arguments = -1
        self.args = []
    def lineReceived(self, line):

        if line.startswith('*'):
            # new command starting
            if self.start_command:
                self.sendLine('-unexpected start of new command\r')
            self.start_command = True
            self.expected_arguments = int(line[1:])
            self.args = []

        if self.expected_arguments == 0:
            # command complete lets dispatch and return OK
            self.start_command = False

        if self.start_command:
            # we're still reading the arguments
            line = line.strip()
            self.expected_arguments -= 1

Of course if we run our test against this server it thinks it has stored data and will fail to retrieve the desired data because we’re always responding with ‘OK’ as you can see here:

> python tests/ F ====================================================================== FAIL: test_basic_set_and_get (__main__.ProtocolTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "tests/", line 45, in test_basic_set_and_get assert resp == '100', 'expected 100 got %s' % resp AssertionError: expected 100 got OK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.002s FAILED (failures=1)

Lets take our current implementation and make the CommandReceiver smart enough to look up the correctly handler based on the command name supplied and return the response that the handling function returns.

After some debugging and restructuring the code a bit as I made changes and re-ran the tests I realized that the checking for a complete command should always be done after processing each line. Then I also figured that socket.sendLine already adds the newline character at the end of each response. Once I fixed the code up like so:

class CommandReader(LineReceiver):
    state machine comand reader 

    def __init__(self, cmdhandler):
        self._cmdhandler = cmdhandler
        self._cmd_names = dir(cmdhandler)

        self.start_command = False
        self.reading_argument_size = False
        self.expected_arguments = -1
        self.args = []
    def lineReceived(self, line):
        if line.startswith('*'):
            # new command starting
            if self.start_command:
                self.sendLine('-unexpected start of new command\r')

            self.start_command = True
            self.expected_arguments = int(line[1:])
            self.args = []
        if self.start_command:
            # we're still reading the arguments
            line = line.strip()
            self.expected_arguments -= 1

        if self.expected_arguments == 0:
            # lookup the method handler
            command = self.args[0]

            # remove the command name from the arguments
            self.args = self.args[1:]

            if command in self._cmd_names:
                func = getattr(self._cmdhandler, command)
                result = func(*self.args)
                self.sendLine('+%s' % result)
                self.sendLine('-unknown command %s' % command)

            self.start_command = False

Our unit test now passes successfully, like this:

> python tests/ . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.002s OK

Now I have a working prototype that can actually do set and get requests and save that information into memory at runtime. At this point its 16:30 on October the 14th, 2012 and with writing the unit test and writing the code I’ve spent just a little over an hour and a half to have a working prototype that could be used by a dependent service to start integrating against.

What we’ll focus on next is using tools such as pylint to identify problems in the code as well as using setuptools to create a setup script that can be used by anyone to easily install this service and start it for others to integrate with while features are being added to the base source.

STOP 16:32 on October 14th, 2012

START 18:59 on October 14th, 2012

So in order to share our code with others we’ll have to create a setup script that can be used to easily install and startup the service as well as being able to upgrade your current installation as further updates are made to the code base. For this specific code being written we’ll create a simple file like so:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

setup (
    author='Rodney Gomes',
    keywords = ['keyvalue', 'storage'],
    py_modules = [],
    scripts = [''],

    license='Apache 2.0 License',
    description='simple key value store',
    packages = find_packages(exclude='tests'),
    install_requires = [ 

    entry_points = {
        'console_scripts' : [
            'kvs_start = kvsserver:main',

With that we can now check this code in and anyone who wants to run your service can easily do the following on the command line with Python 2.7 installed:

> git clone > git checkout v0.0.1 > python install running install ... Finished processing dependencies for kvs==0.0.1

Now your service can easily be started by using the ‘kvs_start’ script that should now be in your path.

Before we proceed to start adding more features and tests to our code lets introduce the notion of a code style checker and static code analyzer called pylint and how we can use it to make sure our code is clean and lean and little less prone to errors. Using pylint is super easy as you can install the python package with a quick ‘pip install pylint’ and then you can call it on any code base like so:

> pylint No config file found, using default configuration \************* Module kvsserver C: 1,0: Missing docstring W: 7,0:CommandReader: Method 'rawDataReceived' is abstract in class 'LineReceiver' but is not overridden C: 21,4:CommandReader.lineReceived: Invalid name "lineReceived" for type method (should match [a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$) C: 54,0:CommandReaderFactory: Missing docstring C: 59,4:CommandReaderFactory.buildProtocol: Invalid name "buildProtocol" for type method (should match [a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$) C: 62,0:CommandHandler: Missing docstring C: 67,4:CommandHandler.set: Missing docstring C: 71,4:CommandHandler.get: Missing docstring C: 76,0:main: Missing docstring E: 78,4:main: Module 'twisted.internet.reactor' has no 'listenTCP' member E: 79,4:main: Module 'twisted.internet.reactor' has no 'run' member ... other output ommited ... Your code has been rated at 6.27/10

There is quite a bit of output that pylint supplies the most important parts are shown above. We can quickly see that we’re missing quite a few docstrings and then there are a few things we can ignore such as the missing members that is obviously just pylint not finding the imports correctly. As with any tool pylint is intended to point you in the direction of a problem and you ultimately have to make the decision to fix something or leave it be and use for example in this case a docstring to tell pylint to be quiet. The score given to your code is an interesting way of showing developers if their code is up to par with how Python code should be written and maintained.

Lets add those docstrings and silence the missing member functions that we know are in fact there. With a subsequent rerun of pylint I now have a score of 7.45 which is a pretty decent score. Something like pylint should be used in order to make sure that the code quality doesn’t degrade drastically with time and that certain levels of code quality and proper code writing are maintained across the team.

We’re now at a stage where others are already able to install and use our code and need to continue adding features to our existing service while making sure that with each checkin we don’t break any of the older functionality and yet are able to quickly introduce new features or bug fixes.

STOP 20:01 on October 14th, 2012

START 20:22 on October 20th, 2012

At this point I decided to restructure the code a bit by creating a kvs package in which the CommandHandler logic into its own module. That way I can continue development on the way we’re storing/retrieving data without having to muck around in the kvsserver module. While doing this I also created a few more test to verify the set, get and new del operation all work correctly.

We now have the full API available with a few additional unit tests that verify the various use cases for set/get and delete operations. I also spent sometime and created a very simple set of performance tests to have an idea of how well this whole thing performs. To create the basic performance tests I first created a BaseTest test case to build that had the earlier used send command to be use to easily send and receive data from the server and then I built the following very simplistic performance test:


class PerformanceTest(BaseTest):

    def test_1st_set_small_key_performance(self):
        start = time.time()
        for index in range(0, ITERATIONS):
            self.send('SET', 'key-%d' % index, 'tiny little value')
        elapsed = time.time() - start
        print('SET %f ops/sec' % (ITERATIONS/elapsed))

    def test_2nd_get_small_key_performance(self):
        start = time.time()
        for index in range(0, ITERATIONS):
            self.send('GET', 'key-%d' % index)
        elapsed = time.time() - start
        print('GET %f ops/sec' % (ITERATIONS/elapsed))

    def test_3rd_del_small_key_performance(self):
        start = time.time()
        for index in range(0, ITERATIONS):
            self.send('DEl', 'key-%d' % index)
        elapsed = time.time() - start
        print('DEL %f ops/sec' % (ITERATIONS/elapsed))

The performance numbers were above my expectations, as I was expecting a couple of thousand operations per second but got:

SET 7829.786726 ops/sec GET 6993.390858 ops/sec DEL 7976.453482 ops/sec

I was satisfied with the single threaded performance of the kvs store at this point and want on making the code easier to read & write and so I spent a little time restructuring the CommandReader class to be a bit smarter in terms of how we basically parse each command by switching the lineReceived method implementation at run time. I also fixed up the base test class to be more specific on the SET/GET & DEL methods being used to talk to the server. Here’s what the new CommandReader looks like:

class CommandReader(LineReceiver):
    state machine comand reader 

    def __init__(self, cmdhandler):
        self._cmdhandler = cmdhandler
        self._cmd_names = dir(cmdhandler)

        self.start_command = False
        self.reading_argument_size = False
        self.expected_arguments = -1
        self.args = []

        self.lineReceived = self._start_command

    def _start_command(self, line):
        assert line.startswith('*'), 'got %s' % line

        # new command starting
        if self.start_command:
            self.sendLine('-unexpected start of new command\r')

        self.expected_arguments = int(line[1:])
        self.args = []

        self.lineReceived = self._read_command
        self.start_command = True

    def _read_command(self, line):
        line = line.strip()
        self.command = line
        self.expected_arguments -= 1
        self.lineReceived = self._read_arguments

    def _read_arguments(self, line):
        # remove the command name from the arguments
        line = line.strip()
        self.expected_arguments -= 1

        if self.expected_arguments == 0:
            # lookup the method handler

            if self.command in self._cmd_names:
                func = getattr(self._cmdhandler, self.command)
                try :
                    result = func(*self.args)
                    self.sendLine('+%s' % result)
                except Exception as e:
                    self.sendLine('-%s' % e)
                self.sendLine('-unknown command %s' % self.command)

            self.start_command = False
            self.lineReceived = self._start_command

The nice thing at this point is that I’m constantly able to change code quite drastically without having to worry if I broke something because the unit tests are able to give me some confidence in the changes I’m making.

STOP 21.15 on October 21st, 2012

START 15:39 on October 21st, 2012

At this point I’d like to take sometime to analyze how much test code I’ve written vs how much real product code I’ve written. I’ll do this in the simplest way possible by just comparing line count:

> wc -l tests/*.py 55 tests/ 0 tests/ 41 tests/ 45 tests/ 141 total > wc -l kvs/*.py 41 kvs/ 0 kvs/ 91 kvs/ 132 total

So right now we actually have a few more lines of test code than we have of actual product code. The thing to realize though is that as we add more API calls to service, the amount of test code won’t grow by as much as it has till this point. Lets really show how this works by adding a few new APIs:

  • KEYS key_reg_ex

The SHUTDOWN command is used to basically shutdown the server and the RESET command is used to reset the store back to empty. The KEYS command is a little trickier since it involves returning all of the keys that match the regular expression specified. This will force us to introduce a new return type to the protocol. What we had in terms of protocol return specification till now was:

  • + means the operation succeeded and is followed by OK or the value of what you wanted to return
  • - is used before the error message of an operation that failed
  • * is used before starting a multi-value response in which the integer after the * is the number of lines to read

With the multi-line response we can now implement the KEYS correctly. Having implemented all of those features we now have a little more product code lines than tests and have a pretty well working key/value store that is being used by others while we make changes and easily reverify our code as we make those changes. here is the lines of test code vs lines of product code comparison:

> wc -l tests/*.py 65 tests/ 0 tests/ 41 tests/ 67 tests/ 173 total > wc -l kvs/*.py 70 kvs/ 0 kvs/ 112 kvs/ 182 total

Now I personally don’t care if I have more product code than test code because to me test code is valuable code that allows me as a developer to actually write code that can be used by others and guarantees my code at least does what I was originally intending.

STOP 16:46 on October 21st, 2012

The interesting thing that I’d like to analyze now is roughly how much time was spent on this little project till now and of that time how much time was spent writing tests vs writing product code.

So the start and stop times tally looks like so:

STARTSTOPDescriptionDuration (minutes)
12:0112:11Initial Project Specification10
14:5716:32Prototype Development95
18:5920:01Making beta Version Available62
20:2221:15Restructuring ∧ Performance Testing53
15:3916:46Refactoring Code ∧ Adding new APIs53

So just after just 4h and 33m of working on this project we have a working service that can be used by others and we’re able to easily and quickly extend this service while making sure to test existing and new features before each and every checkin.

Now there are a few things I should have also worked on but just didn’t feel it would have fitted into the length of the post I was working on writing. The few things I would have focused on next would have included:

  • Making sure to document the protocol specification with the code in a format that would allow others to easily and quickly write their own clients. This would also make updating the API documentation easier since it resides with the code that implements the API.

  • Adding more tests that would verify the limits of the API usage such as the max key and value lengths. Not forgetting to test all of the negative scenarios of using the protocol such as invalid integer values, invalid operation names, etc.

I hope that after reading this post you’ll see that you can easily apply the same ideas to any of your projects and allow yourself to be a more efficient engineer and also allow you to produce better code.

The code written during this writing can be cloned from here

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