Lets go back a bit to the typeclass topic and analyze and understand well a few important typeclasses that allow you to do a few intestine things. We’ll start with the Functor typeclass, which has the following definition:

class Functor f where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

We’ve introduced a new notation in our signature with the f a, in this simple signature we’re using a generic type constructor reference instead of a concrete constructor such as Maybe or from our previous post Tree. So when we create an instance of a Functor f we basically letting any function that wants to use the Functor how to apply and reconstruct our type. We can see how to easily implement a Functor instance for lists, like so:

instance Functor [] where
    fmap = map

Lets define the instance of Functor for the Tree data type we defined in the previous post:

instance Functor Tree a where
    fmap _ Leaf = Leaf
    fmap f (Node a l r) = Node (f a) (fmap f l) (fmap f r)

With the above we can now easily apply higher order functions to our Tree instances like so:

Main> fmap (+2) sampleTree 3 4 . . 5 6 . . .

This is where I believe you should really start to see the beauty in the way that Haskell works with your data types and being able to easily modify, transform your types. There are a few other class types to look at which include Foldable, Traversable, etc.

We’re now going to have a look at the Show and Read class types. We’ve already seen the Show class type but we want to show the complete function here and understand a bit better how this works with the Read class type. So here’s the full definition of the Show class type:

class  Show a  where
    showsPrec        :: Int -> a -> ShowS
    show       :: a -> String
    showList         :: [a] -> ShowS

-- Mimimal complete definition:
-- show or showsPrec
    showsPrec _ x s   = show x ++ s

    show x        = showsPrec 0 x ""

    showList []       = showString "[]"
    showList (x:xs)   = showChar '[' . shows x . showl xs
                        where showl []     = showChar ']'
                              showl (x:xs) = showChar ',' . shows x .
                                             showl xs

As we did before we only have to implement the show function (don’t want to get into the showsPrec function at this stage). We’ll create a new binary tree data type and define a very simple Show instance for this, here’s what we’re looking at:

data BTree a = Leaf a | Branch (BTree a) (BTree a)

showBTree :: (Show a) => BTree a -> String
showBTree (Leaf a) = show a
showBTree (Branch l r) = "(" ++ showBTree l ++ "|" ++ showBTree r ++ ")"

instance Show a => Show (BTree a) where
    show a = showBTree a

sampleTree = Branch (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 2)) (Leaf 1)

So when we do a show of the sampleTree we get the following output:


Now we have to read the Read instance so that we can easily parse the expressions of a BTree back into a BTree type that we can then process with the various functions that’ll we’ll eventually write. The Read class iself has the following definition:

class  Read a  where
    readsPrec        :: Int -> ReadS a
    readList         :: ReadS [a]

-- Minimal complete definition:
-- readsPrec
    readList         = readParen False (\r -> [pr | ("[",s)  <- lex r,
                                                    pr       <- readl s])
                       where readl  s = [([],t)   | ("]",t)  <- lex s] ++
                                        [(x:xs,u) | (x,t)    <- reads s,
                                                    (xs,u)   <- readl' t]
                             readl' s = [([],t)   | ("]",t)  <- lex s] ++
                                        [(x:xs,v) | (",",t)  <- lex s,
                                                    (x,u)    <- reads t,
                                                    (xs,v)   <- readl' u]

As before we only need to implement the readsPrec function to have a working Read implementation. So lets also have a look at the ReadS type:

type ReadS a = String -> [(a, String)]

This type defines what a parse does which is to return for parts of the original string with the accompanying converted type. It also allows you to parse whatever is part of your Read implementation and return the rest of the string that wasn’t parsed.

Before we implement the Read instance for BTrees lets talk about list comprehension and how to use it. List comprenhension is another feature in Haskell that is implemented quite elegantly. List comprenhension has the following syntax:

[ expr | qualifier0 , ... , qualifierN ]

In which the expr defines the way the elements are composed within the list being generated and the qualifiers identify which elements are to be in the resulting list. So lets for example construct a list of all of the odd numbers from 1 to 100:

odd100 = [ i | i <- [1..100], odd(i) ]

Now here’s how we could start putting together out readTree function:

readsTree :: (Read a) => ReadS (BTree a)
readsTree ('(':s) = [ (Branch l r, u) | (l, '|':t) <- readsTree s,
                                        (r, ')':u) <- readsTree t ]
readsTree s = [(Leaf x, t)  | (x,t) <- reads s]

instance Read a => Read (BTree a) where
    readsPrec _ s = readsBTree s

Now the above function can be a bit to take in all at once but if you have a closer look its really not doing much more than stating that if a string starts with the ’(‘ symbol then a Branch l r can be parsed from this string in which the l comes from readSTree s and the returned string must start with the ’|’ and then continues with t which would be parsed to return the r side of the Branch and would leave you with at least the ’)’ symbol followed by the rest of the string (which may be empty). The last pattern of the function assumes everything else would be a Leaf x where is comes from reads of s.

This can now be easily be used to parse string back into the BTree type, like so:

Main> (reads "(1|(2|3))blah")::[(BTree Int,String)] [((1|(2|3)),"blah")]

We do have to tell Haskell what the type of the return is because otherwise Haskell can’t deduce if its a binary tree of integers or a binary tree of strings.

By now I would hope you’d be able to write Read and Show instances for any of your own new datatypes and be able to have Haskell really work for you.

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