There are a few things we’ve shown that Prolog can do better than other languages and now we’re going to show you a data structure that can be very easily represented in Prolog and for which you can very easily define traversal methods that do things that in other languages would take hundreds of lines of code and a lot of testing.

So lets say we wanted to represent the following graph:

%  a --- b --- e
%   \         /
%    \       /
%     c --- d --- f
%            \
%             \
%              g

We could represent the above using the following facts in Prolog:


Now all we need is to define a simple predicate that can calculate paths by composition of existing paths. For example if X is connected to Z and Z is connected to Y then there is a path between X and Y, which is Prolog is very similar to the sentence we just wrote:

path(X,Y) :-path(X,Z), path(Z,Y).

With that predicate we can now ask Prolog a few different questions:

| ?- [graphs_v1]. ... yes | ?- path(a,b). true ? yes | ?- path(a,e). true ? yes | ?- path(a,x). Fatal Error: local stack overflow (size: 8192 Kb, environment variable used: LOCALSZ)

Oh shoot, seems when we ask for a path that can’t be solved that we run out of stack space. This is because we don’t have a termination rule and Prolog keeps instantiating variables for Z that it can then match on a longer sequence of path facts until it runs out of stack space. The easiest way to solve this is to make sure that when we start on a path to look for Z that connects X and Y that we simply validate that both X and Y are valid atoms and not variables. Which would look like so:


path(X,Y) :- atom(X), atom(Y), path(X,Z), path(Z,Y).

This now works as desired but presents a small problem which is that we can’t query Prolog for all of the nodes we can reach from a, like so:

| ?- findall(X, path(a,X), List). List = [b,c] yes | ?-

We’d really like the answer to be [b,c,d,e,f,g] and for that we’re going to have to find a way to change our solution so that we don’t stack overflow and still be able to calculate all of the reachable nodes for a given node. Now part of the problem is that we don’t have a predicate for validating a path with a different name from the fact that represents the edge between two nodes. So we really need to fix this by naming these two things differently, like so:


Now the path method can be defined as finding an edge between X and Y directly or finding an edge between X and Z and a path between Z and Y, something like the following:

path(X,Y) :- edge(X,Y).
path(X,Y) :- edge(X,Z), path(Z,Y).

The nice thing is that now our function behaves beautifully and even avoids overflowing the stack, but results in a few duplicate entries when requesting all the paths from a to all other nodes:

| ?- findall(X, path(a,X), List). List = [b,c,e,d,f,g,d,f,g] yes

Removing the duplicates is quite easy with the setof/2 predicate which does the same as the findall predicate but without duplicates in the resulting set, like so:

| ?- setof(X, path(a,X), List). List = [b,c,d,e,f,g] yes

Everything so far is working well because the paths are unidirectional and we don’t have any cycles that would give us troubles. Lets just create a simple edge from g back to d. Now when we run a simple path(g,f) you’ll notice it doesn’t run out of solutions because it keeps identifying a new path between g and d that involves going through the g or d again. To fix this issue we’ll have to use a visited list and keep track of visited nodes, like so:


path(X, Y) :- path(X,Y,[]).

path(X, Y, _) :- edge(X,Y).
path(X, Y, V) :- \+ member(X, V), edge(X, Z), path(Z, Y, [X|V]).

The previous solution now handles cycles just fine and can still be used with the findall and setof predicates. Lets complicate the graph by adding weights for each of the connections and then having Prolog calculate which is the quickest path between two nodes. So lets show you how to represent the weights in the graph quite easily and then also show you how to find a path through two nodes and calculate the weight of traveling that path as well as the path traveled. Lets start with representing weights in the edges between the nodes, like so:

%  a -1- b -2- e
%   \         /
%   3        3
%    \       /
%     c -2- d -2- f
%            \
%            3
%             \
%              g


I’ve also represented our test graph using an ASCII format that can be easily understood with the weights of traveling those paths. If we now want to calculate all of the possible paths and then evaluate which is the best path then we need to think of solving two problems separately. First is how do we find all the paths between node X and node Y and the second is how do we pick the minimal path. The first question we’ll solve using the predicate findapath which can be expressed as such:

  • findapath between X and Y has weight W if there is an edge between X and Y of weight W.

  • else findapath between X and Y of weight W is true if we can find a path between X and Z of weight W1 and there is a findapath between Z and Y of weight W2 where W is W1 + W2.

Note the above is missing a check that we haven’t already visited the X while doing subsequent matches on the 2nd rule of the findapath predicate in order to avoid running forever on a cycle.

With the above rules our findapath predicate may look like so:

findapath(X, Y, W, [X,Y], _) :- edge(X, Y, W).
findapath(X, Y, W, [X|P], V) :- \+ member(X, V),
                                 edge(X, Z, W1),
                                 findapath(Z, Y, W2, P, [X|V]),
                                 W is W1 + W2.

The above predicate is a bit more complicated since we’re calculating the weight and also tracking the exact path we followed till we find the route all the way to the Y node. With the above predicate you can query with lets say the path between a and g and if you ask Prolog to give you other solutions with the ; character you can get the following:

| ?- findapath(a,g,Weight,Path,[]). Path = [a,b,e,d,g] Weight = 9 ? ; Path = [a,c,d,g] Weight = 8 ? ; no

So Prolog is capable of finding the two paths that lead from a to g and to also tell us there is no other possible paths aside from the two already calculated.

We now need to write a function that has a similar design pattern to that of the already used findall and setof predicates. In which, we attempt to find all the solutions for a given Goal but in the process we also pick from each subsequent solution the best one and save that to return at the end. The design pattern used for writing a findall is something similar to the following:

findall(X, Goal, Xlist) :- call( Goal),

findall(_, _, XList) :- assertz(queue(bottom)),

collect(L) :- retract(queue(bottom)), !, L = [].
collect(L) :- retract(queue(X)), !, L = [X|Rest], collect(Rest).

This a slightly modified version from what you may find online and I’ve avoided using the ; operator which is an else operator which condenses the writing of multiple rules but makes it much harder to read. So the findall function above can be read:

  • For the goal Goal we call the Goal first and then that instantiates the term X with its value which we then assertz into the Prolog database and then we fail so that Prolog will back track and find other solutions for our Goal (which in turn get asserted into the Prolog database).

  • Once we’ve finished satisfying all of the possible solutions for our Goal we’ll assert one last element into the Prolog database that will allow us to collect the various results with the collect predicate.

The collect predicate is also quite involved but you just need to understand something very simple about how it works: It retracts from the Prolog database in order from the very first assertz to the last fact that we asserted called queue(bottom) at which point its done collecting all of the results required to form the resulting list.

What we’re trying to write is a similar predicate but we want to on every newly found solution compare to the last best solution and immediately decide which one to keep in the Prolog database so that we only keep track of 1 solution at any given time during the predicates solution (very memory efficient solution). Given the definition of the findall predicate it isn’t that hard to get to a solution like so for our findminpath predicate:

findminpath(X, Y, W, P) :- \+ solution(_, _),
                           findapath(X, Y, W1, P1, []),
                           assertz(solution(W1, P1)),

findminpath(X, Y, _, _) :- findapath(X, Y, W1, P1, []),
                           solution(W2, P2),
                           W1 < W2,
                           retract(solution(W2, P2)),
                           asserta(solution(W1, P1)),

findminpath(_, _, W, P) :- solution(W,P), retract(solution(W,P)).

This is without a doubt one of the most complex predicates we’ve written to date so don’t be too worried if you don’t get it at first glance. So the first rule is there to just populate the Prolog database with the first solution and then proceed with the underlying multiple solution gathering and comparison in order to always leave the best solution in the Prolog database which the last rule is going to query and retract and return to the user requesting the solution.

You can have written this with two rules and in the current 2nd rule you’d create a dummy solution like assertz(solution(100000,[])) which would be immediately lose to the first found path and return nothing but that would be a lame solution prone to issues such as returning an empty path when there is no path between two specified nodes or having issues when you’re sum of an existing path is more than the magical 100000 that you thought was big enough weight that you would never exceed.

You can now use your newly created findminpath to easily calculate the best path between a and g and you’d get the expected result of:

| ?- findminpath(a,g,W,P). P = [a,c,d,g] W = 8

This post has covered quite a few things but I hope the one thing you can take away from this post is that Prolog can be extremely easy to express certain data structures and to also write up certain functions used in every day coding requirements that would otherwise take days of careful writing and testing to come up with.

An interesting thing I came across that was written using Prolog is an article on how IBM used Prolog to do natural language processing for their Jeopardy winning computer program called Watson, you can read more here.

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