In this post I’d really like to go over how Prolog executes your predicates and how you can control how this execution is handled. Lets start with another predicate that we can trace its flow and see how Prolog executes a predicate with multiple ramifications. Lets pick a simple predicate that can validate if given Term1,Term2 and Term3 if Term3 is the minimum of the two.

minimum(X, Y, X):- X =< Y.
minimum(X, Y, Y):- X > Y.

Now when we trace the execution of lets say minimum(1,2,X) we are expecting the answer that X=1 and then we’d be done, but here is what we get when tracing and allowing the system to give us all the available options:

| ?- minimum(1,2,X). 1 1 Call: minimum(1,2,_16) ? 2 2 Call: 1=<2 ? 2 2 Exit: 1=<2 ? 1 1 Exit: minimum(1,2,1) ? X = 1 ? ; 1 1 Redo: minimum(1,2,1) ? 2 2 Call: 1>2 ? 2 2 Fail: 1>2 ? 1 1 Fail: minimum(1,2,_16) ? no

We know for a fact that as soon as you validate that 1 is the minimum of those terms that there is no reason to backtrack and try the other rule since it would logically be false and you could no longer find any solutions that would be valid. In Prolog you are able to tell the engine to not backtrack any longer by using a cut which is the operator ! and for the previous predicate it would be used like so:

minimum(X, Y, X):- X =< Y, !.
minimum(X, Y, Y):- X > Y.

Now if you trace this you’ll see that as soon as Prolog reaches the cut it will stop searching for other solutions, like so:

| ?- minimum(1,2,X). 1 1 Call: minimum(1,2,_17) ? 2 2 Call: 1=<2 ? 2 2 Exit: 1=<2 ? 1 1 Exit: minimum(1,2,1) ? X = 1 yes

This may not seem like a big deal right now but as we show more complicated predicates you’ll find that this could meant the difference between executing a rule in linear time vs exponential time due to the fact that Prolog attempts to exhaust all possible solutions for a given predicate.

You’ll find that cut can be heard to understand but as you trace your code and see situations where Prolog is wasting time by doing backtracking and attempting to match on other rules that would never work you’ll realize that a simple placement of the appropriate cut can speed up the execution of your Prolog predicates.

Lets try to cover another interesting feature in Prolog which is the ability to add new predicates to your running database or remove existing ones. Which means you can now make your predicates dynamic and really get some interesting things done in Prolog. The 2 predicates used are asserta/1 and retrace/1 which respectively add and remove the specified term from the Prolog database. Lets look at how you’d define the Fibonacci function in Prolog:

fib(N,F) :- N1 is N-1,
            N2 is N1-1,
            F is F1 + F2.

Now to execute the above with large numbers you may need to tweak your global and local stack to something higher. The simplest way is by setting the environment variables: LOCALSZ and GLOBALSZ to something higher like so:

export LOCALSZ=131072 export GLOBALSZ=131072

With the above settings if you start executing our Fibonacci example with numbers from 1 to 25 you’ll notice that the execution time starts to increase quite quickly and also the stack size would need to be further made larger to be able to calculate the Fibonacci of 100. Well the good thing is that we just learned about asserta/1 and can basically use the Prolog database to memoize previous results. This is what the new solution could look like and this solution can now calculate Fibonacci of 100 without any issues:

fib(N,F) :- N1 is N-1,
            N2 is N1-1,
            F is F1 + F2,

The dynamic predicate call is required in order to tell Prolog that the fib/2 predicate can be dynamically modified. The other small change was to basically memoize the fib(N,F) so it wouldn’t be recalculated on every subsequent call.

There’s a lot you can do with cut and being able to assert and retract from the Prolog database and I believe you should go and experiment with the newly found features of Prolog so you can become learn better how they work.

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