If you use eclipse like I do for developing anything form Python scripts to Android projects you may have noticed that recently your content assist feature is either really slow or literally freezes up eclipse. Well you’re in luck because the reason its most likely doing this is because of the ADT Plugin that you’re using to do Android development.

So it seems there are a few bugs open on the subject but put simply the content assist tries to look for the Android source code under each of the Android folders at sdk_location/platforms/android-x (where x is the android level). When the content assist can’t find the sources folder then it just goes nuts and wastes alot of cpu cycles, the easy fix is to create a simple sources folder under each of those android-x folders and your content assist will be back to behaving as usual.

The longer and less easy fix is to download the source for each of those builds and place it there, but I really don’t think the majority of developers care for all of the source code.

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