DTF is my testing framework that has been in development for 4+ years and has survived my transition from Sun Microsystems to Yahoo. It was open sourced since May 2010. Now that I have my blog up and running I thought I’d make one of my first posts be an introduction to DTF and what it can do.

To start DTF stands for Distributed Testing Framework and it is written in 100% Java so that it can be easily executed on any environment where Java is supported. The tests in DTF are written in XML and unlike some of the XML languages you’ve seen its sort of a mash-up of Ant + Jelly + Some additional features you’ve never seen in XML.

The biggest advantage in DTF vs any other Java based distributed testing tool is that you can write a test that interacts with N different machines and the test explicitly describes all of the interactions of the components in your system in one easy to read XML. Most other framework rely on multiple configuration files and even different files to describe the behavior of each peace. Aside from that there is also the feature to deploy your setup to your host machines from a single machine using an XML format to describe your setup.

With all of this the best thing to do is to start by reading the documentation written for those interested in DTF and to start really digging in to what DTF can do for you. DTF’s documentation can be found here: https://github.com/rlgomes/dtf/wiki

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